Complaints Handling

1. Purpose
This policy is intended to ensure we handle customer complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. Our complaint management system is intended to:
• Enable us to respond to issues raised by customers making complaints in a timely and cost-effective way.
• Ensure decision making and remedies offered to customers are in line with all current legislation.
• Provide information that can be used by us to deliver quality improvements in our products, services, team members and complaint handling.
This policy provides guidance to BSE on how customer complaints will be managed specifically in accordance with the ASR.

2. Scope
This policy applies to all employees of BSE receiving or managing complaints from customers made to or about BSE regarding our products, services, team members and complaint handling.

3. Overview
This document outlines the process followed by the employees of Ballarat Solar & Electrical (BSE) to address customer complaints regarding the services provided.

A complaint may be made to BSE by any of the following methods:
• Telephone
• Email;
• Mail.

All complaints will be treated with equal seriousness regardless of the form in which they are lodged. BSE will gather all details regarding the complaint and will attempt to resolve the issue as soon as it is received. BSE will advise options and attempt to resolve the issue with the customer and will also contact customer if any extra time is required for investigation.
Where possible, complaints will be resolved at first contact with BSE. We will acknowledge receipt of a customer’s complaint 1 business day. We will endeavour to resolve a customer’s complaint as quickly as possible, however, there may be times that the process takes longer than anticipated, when we are dependent on other companies or organisations for a resolution.
We will ensure that the customers receive regular updates on the progress with their complaint. We are committed to managing the customers’ expectations and will inform them as soon as possible of the following:
• The complaints process
• The expected timeframes for complaint investigations and actions
• Reasons for delay in responding to complaints (if any)
• The progress of the complaint and reasons for any delay
• Their required involvement in the complaint investigation and resolution process

We will advise customers as soon as possible when we are unable to facilitate any part of their complaint and provide advice about where such issues and / or complaints may be directed (if known and appropriate).
The customer may refer a dispute externally if the customer has a dispute with BSE in relation to a product, service or privacy issue and that dispute:
• Has not been resolved through the internal dispute resolution process of BSE within 45 days after BSE received notification about the dispute; and/or
• The customer has notified BSE that its formal proposal to resolve the dispute is not acceptable;
• Whichever is the earlier.

All team members managing complaints are empowered to implement our complaint management system as relevant to their role and responsibilities. Team members are also encouraged to provide feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of all aspects of our complaint management system.

4. Complaint Management System
The key stages in our complaint management system are set out below.

4.1 Gather & review complaint details
We will record the complaint, including all supporting information and actions taken to-date in a specific customer complaint register.

The record of the complaint will document:
• Invoice/Quote Number
• The contact information of the customer making a complaint (name, phone, address & email)
• Names and identification number of the relevant systems
• Date system was installed
• Details of the customers concern
• Steps taken to resolve complaint
• Desired outcome
• Copies of any evidence that supports your complaint (pictures etc)
• Any other relevant information

4.2 Investigate Complaints
We will do an initial assessment that may/ may not include a site visit to confirm whether the issue/s raised are within our control. When determining how a complaint will be managed, we will consider:

• Current legislations
• How serious or urgent the complaint is
• Whether the complaint raises concerns regarding people’s health and safety
• How the customer making the complaint is affected
• The risks involved if resolution of the complaint is delayed
• Whether a resolution requires the involvement of other stakeholders

We will ensure the customer making the complaint received regular updates on the progress of their complaint, particularly, if there are any delays to ensure all claims made in the complaints are investigated comprehensively. There can be some instances where we may require additional time for investigation such as:

• If the customer is not satisfied with the resolution options provided by BS
• if a third party / manufacturer needs to be contacted in relation to the complaint

4.3 Provide outcome & reasons for decision
Following the investigation of the customers complaint, we will:
• Provide the outcome of their complaint.
• Reason/s for our decision

If we resolve the complaint in their favour within thirty (30) business bays, we may let them know the outcome simply by phoning them. If the customer wishes, they may request a written response, which we will oblige to. If it takes longer than thirty (30) business days, we will let the customer know the outcome in writing.

4.4 Options for redress & close complaint
We will ensure that if the customer is unhappy with our decision, they will be made aware of external bodies that can undertake reviews, such as:
• Consumer Affairs Victoria
• Clean Energy Council
• Australian Competition & Consumer Commission

We will retain comprehensive records of a customer’s complaint, including the outcome we provided.

5. Continuous Improvement
We are committed to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our complaint management system. To this end, we will:
• Implement best practices in complaint handling
• Review the complaints data regularly to ensure decision making and remedies offered to customer are in line with all required obligations
• Implement appropriate system and operations changes arising out of our analysis of complaints data

For any further concerns/questions, please contact Ballarat Solar & Electrical on the customer service centre number or email address provided below.

Tel: 1300 667 057
Email: [email protected]
Address: 2/34A Doveton St Nth, Ballarat, VIC - 3350